So, you wanted to get a tattoo. You had a great night with your friends out drinking and partying and now to top off the evening let's all get a tattoo. Maybe you were one of those girls in the mid 1990s that thought having a tattoo in the small of her back was a great idea at the time. Maybe you and your army buddies decided to go out and get matching tattoos proving your real tough guys. Or perhaps you just wanted his or her name splashed across your wrist or your back. Whatever the case may be as to how you got the tattoo, now you may be rethinking that decision. As everyone told you, tattoos are permanent so you better be sure you wanted one before you get one.

But just last 10 to 15 years dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons have developed a laser removal system similar to the hair removal. This tattoo laser removal system has been shown to completely remove a tattoo in 5 to 15 treatments over the course of about a year.The procedure is simple and in most cases takes only seconds to perform. Once a qualified laser tattoo removal professional accurately determines the level of your tattoo, measuring color and depth, they can estimate how many treatments it will take to remove the tattoo completely. You will need to return to the clinic about every 6 to 8 weeks for another treatment, which can be anywhere from 5 to 15 treatments, and it will take about a year for the tattoo to be completely removed.
These high-tech laser removal systems are quite accurate. Depending on your skin type, tone, and the ink that was used in your specific tattoo results can vary but most can guarantee satisfactory results. In severe cases a faint and very light discoloring of the skin may occur where the ink was. Although most tattoos can be removed, cosmetic surgery and permanent makeup cannot be removed. The reason for this being there is metallic compounds in the ink that can cause an adverse reaction with the laser making the ink actually darker instead of lighter. In addition to this, you wouldn't want anybody with a laser this close to your eye such as removing eyeliner or permanent eyebrows.
To find a tattoo laser removal professional you want to do your research and find out the level of professionalism, healthcare, and medical concern. This procedure must be performed by a qualified laser removal doctor or nurse. And while you'll want to make sure that you get the best care, the price is actually quite affordable. Most tattoo removal treatments cost anywhere from $50-$70 per treatment plus the cost of any in-house appointments. There is some level of pain that goes along with removing a tattoo but there are numbing agents that are available to help ease the pain. Although, if you went through the pain of getting the tattoo in the first place having it removed shouldn't be nearly as bad.
If there's one thing that tattoo enthusiasts hate about the tattoo industry, it is the inclination to the trends set forth by celebrities. Not that it's wrong to emulate their custom tattoo designs: but there are some people who think that just because celebrity X has a hot Marilyn Monroe tattoo on her thigh, getting that same tattoo on their thighs too will make them as gorgeous as their idol. As a result, there is no room for any creativity when a designer has to create a tattoo design for the client. Today, people want to sport tattoos that look and feel different for the usual ones. They want designs that reflect who they truly are, what their typical personality traits are they also want to use their tattoos to signify an important event or a person very close to their heart.
Here are five hot custom tattoo trends that are sure to give you that "edge" that you have been looking for in a tattoo.
Japanese Tattoo designs - Hello Kitty doesn't qualify as a Japanese tattoo, nor are Dragon Ball and Samurai Ninja Gaiden characters considered to be Japanese designs. What we are talking about here are Japanese letters. For example; Janet Jackson has a few Japanese tattoos in her wrist and belly. The one in her belly reads "discipline" while the one on her wrist reads "respect and equality". Since Janet Jackson is a gay rights activist, she sure knows what she's talking about when she had imprinted what she's fighting for in her carpal tunnels.
Japanese characters are perfect for getting the values you believe in get alive in your skin. Through various custom tattoo sites, you may have tattoo designers modify the characters to be soft and feminine or bold and masculine. Tribal - The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word tribal is the tribal dance. You can envision loud thumping noise along with wide and bold movements from the dancers garbed with tropical leaves and twigs while dancing around a bonfire.
Tribal tattoos have sharp edges, making them perfect for the nape and lower back. By creating a tribal tattoo design contest via any custom tattoo design site, you can receive hundreds of tribal tattoo interpretations based on your tattoo idea and personal preferences.
Celtic - Celtic tattoos are of European origin. These tattoos are usually composed of bold swirls and curls. Famous Celtic tattoo designs include armbands, clovers, and cross designs. If you would like to get hundreds of different take on your Celtic designs, just log on to any design contest site and create a design contest. Prize money awaits the tattoo designer's entry that is finally chosen as the winning design.
Hawaiian - Hawaiian tattoo designs are Polynesian in origin. Such tattoo art is composed of very heavy and intricate knot work. Only a few tattoo designers can execute Hawaiian designs perfectly.
Custom tattoo sites have hundreds of tattoo designers who can handle any Hawaiian knot work design. Hawaiian tattoo art for the female is expressed in various flower designs. Since Hawaii is the main source of almost all tropical flowers exported from the US, it is just fitting that Hawaiian women love imprinting flowers on their skins.
Butterfly - This colorful creature has an international appeal to it. There are also males who would like to get a butterfly's image tattooed on their skins. Despite its charm, butterfly tattoos have been so very common that such design doesn't attract that much attention anymore.
Log on to the custom tattoo site of your choice and create a contest for the best butterfly tattoo. Try and provide the designers with unique ideas that can be incorporate into the design to make it more personalized and different. For example; an alphabet or a date that holds a special place in your life. In just two weeks, you will be able to view hundreds of butterfly tattoo interpretations. You will surely find one butterfly custom tattoo design that will stand out from the rest.
Tattoo supplies are certainly far from a dime a dozen, even if you think that is how they appear to be when you shop for them online. The reality is that all tattoo artists, particularly non-established artists who aspire for artistic greatness, are going to require tattoo supplies at some point. Either to replenish dwindling supplies, or to get all stocked up and ready to open up shop. No matter the reason behind you seeking some tattoo supplies, one thing remains certain: you can save a lot of time, money, frustration and inconvenience by shopping for such supplies online, as opposed to dealing with the local store, the lines and the insane retail markup that can be as much as 500% off the cost. When you do the math, it's a lot of time and money that you save, and you can generally get the same name brand supplies that you and your clientele swear by far easier online.
More Selection
Let's face the facts: no warehouse can compete with a website. Nor any store for that matter. They simply do not have the space to do so. A website will always - or at least a large one - have more selection. That's because online stores don't have to pay a whopping amount of money in rent for each square foot of space they intend to store such items in. So this means more selection, and that's everything in the tattooing world.
Easier to Order
Ask yourself this: is it easier to order from your home computer in your pajamas, or to run around town like a maniac trying to find tattoo supplies? Of course, the answer is from home. No store can make it more convenient than ordering from wherever and whenever you desire online.
Better Prices
Do you want to pay more or pay less for the name brand tattoo supplies that you require? Certainly, your answer is that you want to pay less for the same brands that you already are using on your loyal clients. Online stores simply have better prices because they have fewer overhead costs. This means you save a lot more money when shopping online.
Drop Shipping
Last and certainly not least, don't discredit drop shipping. Your supplies will arrive in the shipping time you allotted, and at your front door. No need to go anywhere. Just remove them from the packaging and restock your inventory.
Deciding your first tattoo is a rewarding experience, however it isn't one that should be rushed into on a whim. You must be certain to take time to think about it carefully, since a tattoo should be a lifetime commitment. You must be fully certain that you're getting a tattoo that fits into your life. You need to think about how your tattoo will have an effect on your friends' and family's perception of you, how it will affect your current job position and future career prospects, and most importantly how you, personally, will see yourself. Deciding On The Body Location
Once you're sure you want to continue forward, the next step is to determine body region where your tattoo should be applied. You have got many options here, as nearly any part of your body makes an acceptable canvas.
Arm tattoos are definitely the most popular choice for your first tattoo. Here you've got many decisions - full arm (also referred to as a sleeve, named for the resemblance to a full-length shirt sleeve), higher-half sleeve from shoulder to elbow, bottom-half sleeve from elbow to wrist, or one-fourth sleeve commonly from mid-upper arm to shoulder. Bigger arm pieces typically mix a number of thematic parts, while the smaller and medium-sized tattoos usually only concentrate on one thing.
The shoulder space is a common spot as well, covering the area from the joint to the rear shoulder blade. The shoulder is a common choice for smaller designs that can be easily covered when necessary.
Back tattoos are for the most bold, since this may be where the biggest tattoo can be inked. Any or all of the back is accessible, from the top of your shoulders to your waist, and around to your love handles beneath your arms. Tattoos on the back are usually made up of one large element, but can often integrate a couple aesthetic elements into a single cohesive scene as well.
The chest area is becoming a more and more well-liked as well as individuals have become more adventurous. Typically a chest tattoo is fairly large and spread full length, or is smaller and limited to the pectoral space over the heart. Like one-fourth sleeve tattoos, back tattoos are often reserved for only one look.
Other body positions such as the stomach, legs, neck, and hands are less popular areas to have work done. It is important to realize that getting body art completed on any of those areas may be troublesome to cover if necessary.

Design Styles
Once a body space and approximate size has been determined, the subsequent step is to search out a design for your tattoo's look. There are several aspects to this, with the most necessary being subject, style, and use of color. Whereas the final choice is up to you, there are several popular and common styles and designs to contemplate.
Tribal pieces are the among most well-liked tattoo designs for men. Typically uncolored, these designs feature thick angular black lines in dramatic patterns representing strength and masculinity. The first tattoos of this kind were from Polynesian, Maori, and Aztec tribes and commonly worn by their fighters, though nowadays the fashion is worn by anyone.
Crosses and other religious symbols are traditional subjects, as they serve as enduring symbols of hope, faith, affection, or remembrance. They are typically thought to provide a relaxing spiritual assurance and a link to divine protection.
Tattoos honoring heritage, such a Celtic knots or alternative Celtic design, are symbols representing one's history, making sure that family roots are never forgotten. Design-wise, they're usually richly coloured and highly detailed.
Skull art designs represent the dark aspect of tattoo culture. they typically signify death and danger and anger and toughness, and evoke stereotypical images of bad dudes in motorcycle gangs whom it is best to steer clear from. Or, additionally, skulls might represent the philosophical symbolism of one's own life and are, in a way, a celebration of life.
Tattoos of pin-up girls, those scantily-clad or naked girls in alluring poses, are usually used to represent an appreciation toward confident and brash females who exude sex appeal. These tattoos were first in style among soldiers away at war, reminding them of who was anticipating them back on the home front.
Asian styles, such as Kanji symbols or dragons or koi fish, celebrate the culture and mysticism of the Orient. These styles symbolize guardianship, empowerment, wisdom, and freedom.
Words, like names, sayings, and quotes are all highly personal designs that have unique meaning the person who wears the art. They are typically meant to bring inspiration, celebrate a milestone life event such as a marriage or the birth of a child, or to honor the memory of a passed love one.
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